May 3, 2013

Chuổi sê ri các kiến thức cơ bản CakePHP cho người mới bắt đầu

  • How to use plugin in cakephp.
  • How to develope your plugin in cakephp.
  • How to use Remember Me fuctionality for login in cakephp.
  • How to write code for create/Retrive/UPdate/Delete (CRUD) in cakephp.
  • How to use Elements in cakephp for code reusability in Views.
  • How to use Helpers in cakephp for common functions in Views.
  • How to use Components in cakephp for code reusability in Costrollers.
  • How to use Social Network for authentication.
  • How to use configuration database driven.
  • How to use Recaptcha in cakephp.
  • How to track users, logout by Admin, View Onlline Users in cakephp.
  • How to use CSRF/XSS protection in cakephp.
  • How to use SSL/HTTPS in cakephp for whole site as well as only some pages.
  • How to use form Validation in cakephp.
  • How to resize/Crop image in cakephp.
  • How to manage site permissions with easy interface in cakephp.
  • How to verify user's email address.
  • How to convert long URL to short URL by cakephp routing.
  • How to use Ajax in cakephp.
  • How to use Ajax Pagination in cakephp.
  • How to use Ajax Form Validations with File/Image in cakephp.
  • How to use Ajax sorting in cakephp.
  • How to use Ajax searching in cakephp.
  • How to use Ajax calls for user Deletion/Email Verification/Activation etc in cakephp.
  • How to use assign a user in multiple groups in cakephp.
  • How to use username after domain name in URL like facebook click here.
  • How to controll browser cache issue for users.
  • How to use common element in Cakephp.
  • How to use input text placeholder.
  • How to develope Emailer system with emailtemplate & email signature support
  • How to use twitter boostrap with Cakephp
  • How to use Tinymce & Ckeditor for rich text area in Cakephp
  • How to handle groups and sub groups with permissions
  • How to display links based on permissions
  • How to use date and datetime picker using Jquery UI

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